Starting a farm operation can be an exciting, yet challenging, endeavor. Here are a few resources and things you should know before you get started:

Considerations for Farming

Penn State Extension provides some excellent information if you are considering farming for your family.

Iowa State University Extension als has a great summary article available here.


Beginning Farmer Checklist

USDA's fact sheet for the beginning farmer.


Enterprise Budgets

Enterprise budgets are a great way to get an idea of total expenses and potential income to see whether or not a farm operation is a viable option for your situation.


Agricultural Enterprises

Penn State provides specific information for a variety of agricultural enterprises, from cattle to vegetable crops.


Grants and Low Interest Loans for Small Farms

Our fact sheet on possible grants and low-interest loans available for beginning and small farms.


Registering a Farm Name Form

Choosing the right name can be a challenging task. Click the button above to access Form 534A: Business Filing. Click here to review information on how to choose and register a farm name.


Tax Exemption for Farm Purchases

Our fact sheet that covers what to know about Ohio Agricultural Sales Tax Exemption Rules. Links to the forms are also included in this document.


Farmland Leasing Information

Wanting to farm but not yet ready to purchase land? Visit AgLease 101 to learn about setting up leasing arrangement with landowners.


Current Agricultural Use Valuation in Ohio

Review general information on Ohio's Current Agricultural Use Value (CAUV) program.


Registering as an Ag District

An agricultural district provides protection for farmers from nuisance lawsuits, defer expensive development assessments until the land is changed to a non-agriculture use, and offers state scrutiny of local eminent domain acquisitions in certain cases.


Questions? Send an email to Erika Lyon, Agriculture & Natural Resources Educator, at or call 740-461-6136.