Eastern Ohio Grazing Council Pasture Walk

Repeats every month on April, May, June, July, August, September on the fourth Thursday 6 times.
Thursday, April 24, 2025 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Contact name:
Wendee Dodds
Contact phone:

EOGC is a grassroots organization whose goal is to promote the conservation of our soil and water by growing and grazing forages. Winter meetings are held January through March with pasture walks beginning in April running through September and a recap meeting in October. In cooperation with Carroll, Columbiana, Harrison, Jefferson, Stark, and Tuscarawas Soil & Water Conservation Districts, the Natural Resources Conservation Service, and OSU Extension.

Learn more at https://www.jeffersonswcd.org/eastern-ohio-grazing-council-events-and-pa...